Environmental Information
Impacts and mitigation measures
Environmental review and compliance is an integral component of the Met Council's work on the Central Corridor/Green Line Project. This page provides information about environmental regulations affecting the project and links to environmental studies and reports prepared for the project.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) require that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared for certain actions that affect the environment. The EIS provides a means to analyze environmental, social and economic factors and consider environmental impacts, alternatives and mitigation strategies in the planning and decision-making process. The EIS process includes the preparation of several documents, as described below.
Scoping summary
The Scoping Summary documents the first step in the NEPA/EIS process. Scoping is designed to engage the public, interest groups, affected tribes and government agencies of the DEIS (including opportunities for public involvement) and to present the purpose and need for the project, the proposed alternatives to address the needs identified, and potential benefits and impacts for public and agency review early in the NEPA/EIS process.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is the initial statement prepared by the project sponsor and circulated for public review and comment before a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is prepared. The DEIS for the Central Corridor LRT Project was prepared by the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority.
Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statements (SDEIS)
The 2008 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) addresses changes to the Project resulting from issues identified by the Central Corridor Project Office after 2006, when the Metropolitan Council became the project lead.
The 2012 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) addresses impacts on businesses due to the construction of the Central Corridor LRT Project. This document and related reports are available on the Business Impacts page.
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) informs decision-makers and the public about project impacts and mitigation measures. The FEIS contains responses to substantive comments received on the DEIS and SDEIS.
Amended Record of Decision (ROD)
The Amended Record of Decision documents the finding by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that the Metropolitan Council has met the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act for the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Project. The ROD describes the project, alternatives considered, the public opportunity to comment, the public comments and responses, and the basis for the decision and mitigation measures required. The Amended Record of Decision is based on the 2009 FEIS and the 2013 SFEIS. It supersedes the FTA Record of Decision published in August 2009.
Infill Stations Environmental Assessment (EA)
The Infill Stations Environmental Assessment (EA), prepared after the completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, analyzes the impacts associated with the construction of three potential "infill" stations identified by the City of Saint Paul in the Midway area. All three stations were subsequently added to the project.
Other environmental documents and reports
In addition to the EIS documents described above, a number of other environmental reports and documents have been prepared.
Historic properties
The project has documented its efforts to identify and protect historically significant properties in accordance with federal and state requirements.
Business impacts mitigation reports
The project has implemented specific measures to mitigate the impacts of construction on Central Corridor businesses.