Industrial Waste

Industrial waste is any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance disposed of in a public sewer in the metropolitan area resulting from a business activity.

The Industrial Waste and Pollution Prevention (IWPP) section of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services regulates and monitors industrial discharges to the sewer system to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. We also respond to sewer-related spills and community sewer problems. These functions protect regional and municipal collection and treatment facilities, process efficiency, operating personnel, and the environment.

Our staff issue industrial discharge permits to industrial users of the Metropolitan Disposal System (public sanitary sewers). Approximately 900 permits are in effect today.

Ensuring environmental compliance

Permittees are required to conduct self-monitoring and submit reports to IWPP on a routine basis. These reports are one means of determining compliance with the Metropolitan Council waste discharge rules.

Met Council monitors industrial users to determine compliance with permits. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires us to inspect and monitor significant industrial users at least once a year. Our laboratory performs approximately 22,000 analyses every year to monitor about 400 industrial facilities.

Rates and fees

Rules and regulations

Contact Us
  • Contact staff (PDF)
  • IWPP office

    Metropolitan Council - IWPP
    2400 Childs Road
    St. Paul, MN 55106-5849
    Phone: 651-602-4703
    Fax: 651-602-4730

    M-F 8:00 a.m.  ΜΆ   4:00 p.m.

    Mailing Address

    390 N. Robert St.
    St. Paul, MN 55101-1805