Transportation Policy Plan

The Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) is the region’s long-range transportation plan. It is part of a family of policy plans, including the Housing, Regional Parks, and Water Resources Policy Plans. Together, these plans describe the regional actions for achieving the vision, values, and goals set in Imagine 2050 - the region's development guide.

The 2040 TPP was originally adopted in 2014 and updated in 2018 and 2020. It is set on the foundations of Thrive MSP 2040, the last regional development guide. The TPP meets federal and state requirements for long-range transportation planning. The TPP covers at least 20 years of transportation investments.

The Met Council has developed the 2050 Transportation Policy Plan, which happened alongside the 2050 update to the regional development guide - Imagine 2050. The 2050 TPP will be considered for adoption in February 2025.

2050 Transportation Policy Plan Timeline

This timeline shows the steps in the process from chapter development and review in 4th quarter 2023 to final adoption in 1st quarter 2025.

Minneapolis view, river, trails, rails

2050 Transportation Policy Plan

The files linked below reflect the Imagine 2050 policy and guidance to be approved by the Metropolitan Council on Feb. 12, 2025. A final, downloadable version, with illustrations and maps, will be available by the end of September. Copy and clarity edits may be made to these versions during that time.

View the 2050 Transportation Policy Plan, the other system plans that comprise Imagine 2050, and the public comment reports for each plan. 

Woman pinning ideas on an idea wall

2050 Transportation Policy Plan interactive map

This map shows regionally-significant transportation projects with reasonably available funding. The map also displays common datasets used for transportation planning in the Twin Cities region.

View the map and learn more about transportation in the region.
Woman pinning ideas on an idea wall

Stakeholder engagement

The policy plan team will be engaging in a variety of ways with regional stakeholders from residents of the region and advocacy organizations, to technical partners and government leaders throughout the creation of the plan. Learn more about our public engagement plan.

Read the 2050 Transportation Policy Plan stakeholder engagement summary 

Directional signs for bikeways

Contributing studies

From the last policy plan update until the 2050 plan is published, the transportation planning team leads a series of studies and plans that provide research, data, and emerging trends that help shape the direction of the TPP. 

Work groups

The 2050 TPP was developed with technical and policy feedback from two special work groups:

  • The 2050 TPP Technical Working Group was a forum for transportation and planning professionals to provide detailed technical feedback on the 2050 TPP content, development process, and contributing studies.

  • The 2050 TPP Advisory Work Group served to review plan development, its relation to the 2050 regional development guide, and provide guidance to Met Council staff on policy issues. The Advisory Work Group includes members of the Met Council, Transportation Advisory Board, and other agency decision makers.

Contact us

Transportation Policy Plan Information
[email protected]