Special Discharge Program

Landfill leachate, contaminated ground and surface water, hauled industrial waste

The Special Discharge Program of Metropolitan Council Environmental Services provides a method for acceptance of “special discharges” to the Metropolitan Disposal System. Special discharges regulated under this program include nonhazardous landfill leachate and condensate, contaminated groundwater, contaminated surface water, and hauled industrial waste generated outside of the Met Council service area.

Permit or approval

Any person or entity wanting to make a special discharge to the Metroplitan Disposal System must first apply for an approval or permit through the Metropolitan Council Industrial Waste & Pollution Prevention Section by completing the appropriate form below. Typically, if a discharge is expected to be ongoing for 12 or more months, then Met Council will issue a permit.

Landfill Leachate and/or Condensate - nonhazardous discharges:
Landfill Leachate and/or Condensate - Special Discharge Application (Word, 720 kB)

Contaminated Groundwater and Surface Water:
Groundwater and/or Surface Water - Special Discharge Application (Word, 643 kB)
Community Review Form (Word, 640 kB) (required only for direct discharges to the sanitary sewer)

Industrial Waste - non-hazardous discharges for hauled or on-site connections:
Industrial Discharge Approval Request Form (Word, 763 kB)
Out-of-Service Area Attachment - required for waste generated outside of the Met Council service area (Word, 634kB) 
PFAS Attachment - required for waste containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (Word, 636kB)

How to comply with the program

Contact us

Special Discharge Program information

Mike Flaherty
[email protected]
Therez Ranta
[email protected]
Salomeh Rostami
[email protected]
Karalynn Marr
[email protected]

Met Council rates, fees, and invoicing

Kristi Goble
[email protected]

Industrial Waste & Pollution Prevention (IWPP) Office

[email protected]

To receive important notifications regarding your Met Council industrial discharge permit, we recommend you add these emails to your address book: [email protected] and [email protected].