TAAC membership consists of:
- A Chair appointed by the Council Chair and confirmed by the full Council
- 8 members are appointed by the full Council from Precincts A-H
- 2 members are appointed by the Minnesota State Council on Disabilities (MCD)
- 2 members are appointed at large by the Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (MAAA)
- 2 members are appointed at large by the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD)
- 1 member is appointed at large by Minnesota AARP

- David Fenley, MSCOD, Chair
- Sam Jasmine, Precinct A
- Christopher Bates, Precinct B
- Patsy Murphy, Precinct C
- Ken Rodgers, Precinct D
- Jeffrey Dains, Precinct E
- Darrell Paulsen, Precinct F, Vice Chair
- Kari Sheldon, Precinct G
- John Clark, Precinct H
- Margot Imdieke-Cross, MCD
- Erik Henricksen, MCD
- Diane Graham-Raff, MAAA
- Patty Thorsen, MAAA
- Heidi Myhre, MN-CCD
- Claudia Fuglie, MN-CCD
- Richard Rowan, Minnesota AARP