Current Committee Vacancies

Council seeks diverse perspectives

Metro area residents are invited to help shape regional policy and services through service on Metropolitan Council advisory committees. These committees work to develop solutions that best serve the region.

We seek diverse perspectives to inform our policy-making and operations. Advisory committees members represent different identities across geography, race, gender, age, abilities, sexual orientation, and income.

We deeply value the diversity and intersection of these identities on all advisory committees.

Openings by committee


The Audit Committee assists the Met Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibility for the integrity of the organization's financial and operational results, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and performance of internal audit and external auditors. More about the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee consists of eight voting members. Four are Council members and four are external members with expertise in such areas as finance, accounting, auditing, information systems, management, operations or program performance.

Open seats

  • Two community members
  • Priority deadline is March 28, 2025.


The Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) provides expertise, perspective, and advice to the Metropolitan Council on equity initiatives and projects that will have a lasting impact on our region. More about the EAC. Membership on the EAC includes:

  • 4 Metropolitan Council members - one each from the Community Development Committee, Environment Committee, Transportation Committee, and Management Committee 
  • 8 members are appointed by the Metropolitan Council geographic districts A-H 
  • 9 at-large members to provide for membership that reflects the range of interests and experiences of the region which may not result from the membership from the eight districts. 
  • All member terms are four years.

Open seats

  • Districts A, B, C, G, and H and five at-large seats
  • Priority deadline is March 31, 2025

Materials for applicants


The Land Use Advisory Committee (LUAC) provides advice and assistance to the Metropolitan Council on regional land use, comprehensive planning, and matters of metropolitan significance as requested by the Council. More about LUAC.

LUAC membership consists of:

  • At least 16 members and a Council member as the chair
  • At least one member from each Council district who represents geographic districts in the region.
  • At least half of members must be locally elected officials, such as mayors or city council members

All member terms are four years.

Open seats

  • Districts 1-16 (through January 1, 2027)
  • Priority deadline is December 29, 2023

Materials for applicants


The Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee (MAWSAC) was created by the legislature to assist the Metropolitan Council in its planning activities addressing the water supply needs of the metro area. MAWSAC is instrumental in the development of the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Plan, now part of the Water Policy Plan. It meets in-person a minimum of three times per year to discuss plan implementation and other relevant water supply topics with an emphasis on conservation, interjurisdictional cooperation, and long-term sustainability. MAWSAC consists of 18 members. More about MAWSAC.

  • The chair of MAWSAC is the chair of the Metropolitan Council (or their designee)
  • Four members are the commissioners of the following state agencies (or their designees)
    • Minnesota Department of Agriculture
    • Minnesota Department of Health
    • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
    • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
  • 11 members are officials of local government units, appointed by the governor.
    • A local government unit in each of the seven counties in the metropolitan area must be represented as follows:
      • Two counties in the metro area
      • Five non-county local government units
    • One representative each from Chisago, Isanti, Sherburne, and Wright counties
  • One representative of St. Paul Regional Water Services, appointed by their Board of Water Commissioners
  • One representative of the Minneapolis Water Department, appointed by the mayor.


There are currently six vacancies for the remainder of the ffour-year term 2023 – 2027.

  • Three representatives (elected officials or local government unit staff) from counties:
    • 1 - Chisago County
    • 1 - Sherburne County
    • 1 - Wright County
  • Three representatives (elected officials or local government unit staff) from non-county local governmental unit in the metro area

Materials for applicants



The Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC) advises the Metropolitan Council on management policies for public transportation services in the region from the perspective of riders with disabilities. TAAC was created by the Minnesota Legislature and includes riders and advocates for older people, the disability community, as well as representatives of service providers and other appropriate agencies. More about TAAC.

TAAC membership consists of:

  • An at-large chair appointed by the Council Chair and confirmed by full Metropolitan Council
  • 8 members appointed by the full Metropolitan Council from Precincts A-H
  • 2 members appointed by the Minnesota State Council on Disability (MSCOD)
  • 2 members appointed at large by the Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (MAAA)
  • 2 members are appointed at large by the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD)
  • 1 member appointed at large by Minnesota AARP

All member terms are two years.

Open seats (through January 1, 2025)

  • Community Member – District H

Materials for applicants


The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) is a key participant in the region's transportation planning process. This board is where state, regional and local officials, transportation providers, and community members contribute to transportation planning and recommend projects for federal funding. More about TAB.
The 34-member board is chaired by one member nominated by the body and then recommended to Council. That board chair serves as the liaison between the board and the Council.

The Metropolitan Council facilitates the process for two categories of representatives on the TAB.

  • Eight members are appointed to represent geographic districts throughout the region.
  • Three members are appointed to represent transit and non-motorized transportation.

Open seats

There are four Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) community member openings with two-year terms beginning January 2025.
  • District E (Council Districts 9 and 10)
  • District F (Council Districts 11 and 12)
  • District G (Council Districts 13 and 14)
  • District H (Council Districts 15 and 16)

Map of TAB community representative districts

Materials for applicants

Priority review will be given to applications submitted by Friday, Dec. 13, 2024.