The Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC) advises the Metropolitan Council on management policies for public transportation services in the region from the perspective of riders with disabilities. TAAC was created by the Minnesota Legislature and includes riders and advocates for older people, the disability community, as well as representatives of service providers and other appropriate agencies. More about TAAC.
TAAC membership consists of:
- An at-large chair appointed by the Council Chair and confirmed by full Metropolitan Council
- 8 members appointed by the full Metropolitan Council from Precincts A-H
- 2 members appointed by the Minnesota State Council on Disability (MSCOD)
- 2 members appointed at large by the Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (MAAA)
- 2 members are appointed at large by the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD)
- 1 member appointed at large by Minnesota AARP
All member terms are two years.
Open seats (through January 1, 2025)
- Community Member – District H
Materials for applicants