Water Supply Advisory Committee

The 2005 Minnesota Legislature passed a measure that directs the Met Council to carry out planning activities addressing the water supply needs of the Twin Cities metro region. To assist the Met Council in its planning activities, the legislature established the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee (MAWSAC).

MAWSAC, advised by the Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee and with robust input via a series of subregional engagements, played a lead role in developing the Metro Area Water Supply Plan.  The Metro Area Water Supply Plan is included in the Water Policy Plan which sets the long-range policy foundation for water as part of the Imagine 2050 regional development guide, which is expected to be adopted in early 2025. 

In 2022, the committee also produced and approved a guide for decision makers on how to approach priority water supply challenges in the coming years: Recommendations for Water Supply Planning in the Metro Area (PDF). It emphasizes conservation, interjurisdictional cooperation, and long-term sustainability.

MAWSAC is responsible for appointing a 15-member Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to provide scientific and engineering expertise to inform MAWSAC's work.


The committee meets regularly as needed to discuss updates on the plan implementation and discuss any other relevant water supply topics.

High-level committee goals and meeting topics are available in the 2025-2027 Work Plan.

Metropolitan Council
390 Robert St. N.
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Map, transit, directions

No meetings found

  • Wendy Wulff, Metropolitan Council, Committee Chair
  • Annika Bankston, City of Minneapolis
  • Jeff Berg, Department of Agriculture
  • Sandeep Burman, Department of Health (MDH)
  • Tiffany Determan, Isanti County
  • Rich Hibbard, St. Paul Regional Water Services
  • Julie Jeppson, Anoka County
  • Pooja Kanwar, Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
  • Brad Larson, City of Savage
  • Valerie Neppl, Dakota County
  • Erik Smith, Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
  • Kevin Watson, City of Vadnais Heights

MAWSAC is responsible for reporting to the Met Council and Minnesota Legislature every five years. The committee’s report and recommendations include information provided by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). MAWSAC also routinely provides input to Council water supply-related reports and projects.

Staff contacts

Lanya Ross
Water Resources Environmental Analyst
[email protected]
Shannon Skally
Recording Secretary
[email protected]
Judy Sventek
Manager, Water Resources
[email protected]