Standard Industrial Discharge Permits
Industrial users discharging wastewater into public sewers must apply for an industrial discharge permit, unless Metropolitan Council Environmental Services determines that the wastewater has an insignificant impact on public sewers. No industrial user requiring a permit shall discharge into public sewers until the industrial user has been issued a permit. All affected industrial users shall complete and file with Met Council an Industrial Discharge Permit Application at least 90 calendar days prior to initiation of industrial waste discharge.
For additional information, please contact Kristi Goble at [email protected] or at 651-602-8114.
General Industrial Discharge Permits
General Industrial Discharge Permits are issued to a specific industry group when it is determined that a standard permit is not applicable. If, within a specific industry group, operations and wastewater discharges are similar, and there are opportunities for best management practices to keep discharge volumes and strength charges consistent, then uniform requirements for the industry group may be appropriate. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services currently administers general permits for microbreweries and brewpubs, water treatment facilities, and zero-discharge industries - industries that have an EPA categorical process but do not discharge their process wastewater to the sanitary sewer system.
For additional information about:
Special Discharge Permits
Special Discharge Permits include: 1) landfill leachate (leachate generated at landfills that contain the following wastes: municipal solid waste, ash, demolition, or non-hazardous industrial waste); and 2) groundwater and surface water that has been contaminated by past improper disposal practices, leaks from underground tanks and pipelines, chemical spills, and landfills.
For additional information see our Special Discharge Program webpage.
Liquid Waste Hauler Permits
Liquid waste haulers that want to use the Metropolitan Disposal System to discharge hauled domestic septage, commercial, and industrial wastes must obtain a Met Council Liquid Waste Hauler Permit. The discharge of hauled waste into the system is only allowed at designated disposal sites. Haulers shall complete and submit an Met Council Liquid Waste Hauler Permit Application along with the first year's permit fee (see Rates and Fees). Septage haulers who apply for a Met Council Liquid Waste Hauler Permit must first obtain a Subsurface Treatment System (SSTS) license from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
For additional information, please see our Liquid Waste Hauler Program page.