Engagement Data
Since August 2020, the project has held more than 919 events and connected directly with more than 39,907 people. As part of this outreach, the project contracted with 12 community and cultural organizations to increase feedback and representation from low-income and communities of color.
Major themes heard from outreach participants:
- Avoid impacts/disruption to communities and the environment
- Safety on transit and in communities served
- Easy pedestrian access to and from stations
- Anti-displacement efforts are a priority
- Support for businesses during construction
- Access to regional destinations
- Support economic development
- Improve the transit experience
- Improve access for and serve transit dependent populations
Learn more about our engagement efforts:
Engagement dashboard
Explore this engagement dashboard by selecting the full-screen mode in the bottom right corner to see a summary of events project staff have attended in the community and total comments received since August 2020. The tool allows viewers to filter comments and events by city to see the latest engagement metrics. On the dashboard tab: if you select a column to filter the data, click anywhere on that same chart to remove the filter.
Comment compilation
Review public comments that project staff have received from August 2020 to date by selecting full-screen mode in the bottom right corner. Note: these comments are from written feedback from surveys, interactive map comments, comment forms, and community meetings, not encompassing of other comments received.