Committee of the Whole

The Committee of the Whole addresses regional policy issues and provides a forum for Council member discussion. All action is taken at the Met Council's regular business meetings.

All Metropolitan Council members are members of the Committee of the Whole.


The Committee of the Whole meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month as needed at 4:00 p.m.

Metropolitan Council Chambers
390 Robert St. N.
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Map, transit, directions

The September 4 Committee of the Whole meeting will be a special meeting hosted at the American Indian Center in Minneapolis at 1530 E. Franklin Avenue. 

Meeting Date Location Agenda, Materials & Video
1/1/2025 4:00 PM Robert Street Room 1A Canceled
1/15/2025 4:00 PM Robert Street Room 1A
2/5/2025 4:00 PM Robert Street Room 1A
2/19/2025 4:00 PM Robert Street Room 1A
3/19/2025 4:00 PM Robert Street Room 1A

Meeting Date Agenda, Materials & Video Minutes
10/5/2022 10/5/2022 Agenda, Materials & Video for Committee of the Whole 10/5/2022 Minutes
9/21/2022 Canceled
9/7/2022 Canceled
8/17/2022 8/17/2022 Agenda, Materials & Video for Committee of the Whole 8/17/2022 Minutes
8/3/2022 Canceled

Staff contacts

Ryan O'Connor, Regional Administrator
[email protected]