TIP Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Sometimes it is necessary to make project changes that cannot wait for the next annual adoption of the TIP. These changes require amendments. The two most common amendments are changes in project scope and changes in project cost. The amendment requests are reviewed and recommended through TAB and its subcommittees, and then moved to the Met Council for approval.

If an amendment request is for a project that is not funded through the Regional Solicitation and not regionally significant, it is eligible for a streamlined amendment process. This allows the Techncial Advisory Committee to review the amendment without the Funding and Programming Committee's review.

2025-2028 TIP Administrative Modifications and Amendments

These administrative modifications have been approved by Metropolitan Council staff:

TIP Administrative Modifications (PDF)

These amendments have been approved by the Metropolitan Council:

  1. NEW PROJECT: St. Michael Storm Sewer Improvements Along North Fork Crow River (PDF)
  2. NEW PROJECT: I-94 Ramp at County Road 137 in Wright County (PDF)
  3. NEW PROJECT: (I-94 Bridge Replacement over County Road 19 in Wright County (PDF)